Originally written on Monday, January 12, 2009 at 3:14pm as a Facebook note. To link up to me through Facebook, add me as a friend!
As a follow-up to my Musings of 2008, here are some of the goals I will be aiming for in 2009 (I won’t call them resolutions – I ‘resolved’ to do some of these years ago! 🙂
For me:
- Increase my volunteering efforts (First volunteering event was on 4th Jan)
- Researching the Blanda name/family tree/how ‘Blanda’s’ are related (already begun)
- Improving the quality of my relationships, both personal & business, including visiting more people and having more people over for lunch/dinner/a drink or a chat (includes spending more time with my boys).
- Understand how I tick
- Work out what I want to do with the next few years of my life
- Become fitter: All of the below are either a part of or will be a result of becoming fitter:
- Participate in more cycling events (including completing the 90km version of the Gongride)
- Take up a martial art with the boys
- Participate in more walking/jogging/running events (including completing a Half-Marathon)
- Build a small gym in my garage
For the Family:
- Reduce the amount of electricity we use in the house (underway)
- Pay off the mortgage quicker in 2009 than we did in 2008 (underway)
- Continue looking for ways to simplify our life and reduce the need for material possessions (ongoing)
What are some of yours resolutions, goals or ‘want-to-achieves’ in 2009?
2 replies on “My 2009 Goals”
[…] as part of my passion for learning but also to help communicate with my children better. One of my 2009 goals is: Improving the quality of my relationships….includes spending more time with my […]
[…] I’m staying active (both physically and mentally) […]